Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Yann Martel, Life of Pi (2001)

A very engaging if unlikely story. Allegory tends to be that way.

I liked the author's writing style, but I wonder if I missed something on a few things.

First, the protagonist discusses his mixed view of religion at length before the shipwreck, but hardly mentions it again after he is stranded at sea.

Second, the story is interspersed with comments by his supposed interviewer, & then suddenly the interviewer stops commenting.

Third (you would have to read the story to know what I'm talking about here), why would the teeth remain if everything else was disintegrated?

Despite these seeming inconsistencies, & dispite the detailed accounts of the blood & guts variety, I enjoyed this novel from beginning to end.

This book will be passed on to Charlene Freeman.

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